Faire des soldes quand on est une marque écoresponsable ?

Going on sales when you are an eco-responsible brand?

Sale or no sale? That is the question.

Some people would say that an eco-friendly brand should not have a sale.

At IKO & NOTT, we think this needs to be more nuanced .

Indeed, for several years, sales have been the particularity of fast fashion. However, we believe that we also have our card to play as an eco-responsible company, for several points:

  • Let's not forget that sales benefit certain people who cannot afford to buy products at full price.

  • With reductions this makes it possible to open the eco-responsible market to more consumers, those who do not generally buy, for fear that it is not within their budget.

  • Allowing you to consume less and better . This is our challenge with IKO & NOTT.

  • We are reducing our margin, but no one involved in the creation of sneakers will suffer from this reduction.

  • We do not push consumption, buy what you need.

  • We believe that we have our role to play in successfully dethroning fast fashion. Indeed, we have the ambition that, in the long term, between a fast-fashion basketball brand and us, the price will not be taken into account to make the difference between the two products. While some brands make a 20x margin to the detriment of the environmental and social impact, we make a minimal margin, but with a positive environmental and social impact. We display the same resale price, for you, consumers.

For all these reasons, we are going to have small sales this year. We have our part to play in changing consumption.

So that everyone can wear eco-responsible sneakers without eating pasta until the end of the month (even if butter shells are honestly one of the best dishes).

Now all you have to do is stop trampling on the planet in IKO & NOTT!

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